Created by Dan Erickson, “Severance” is a thriller drama that sits somewhere between a combination of “Black Mirror” and “The Truman Show.” It follows Lumon Industries employee Mark Scout as he faces a series of dark revelations about the true nature of his job. Mark and his colleagues underwent a procedure known as “separation” which severed their personal memories at work.
However, all is not as it seems to Lumon, and many mysteries increase the tension in the show’s narrative. Among the show’s many unanswered questions are its time period and setting, which remain a mystery to viewers. If you’re looking for clarity on when and where ‘severance pay’ is defined, here’s everything you need to know! SPOILERS AHEAD!
In what year does the severance payment take place?
“Severance” is a unique show that creates an unsettling atmosphere by precisely weaving the chains of corporate life around the narrative. However, the exact period in which the show takes place remains unknown to viewers, and there seems to be a plot-related reason behind the situation. In the series, the consciousness of the main characters is divided into two spaces: work and the outside world. The titular scientific procedure separates a person’s work and personal memories. The existence of such technology suggests that scientific advancements beyond those that exist in our present time have been made in the world of entertainment. Thus, there is a futuristic vibe to the show.
However, at work, the characters use technology such as bulky desktop computers, cassette tapes, and DVR players, which were common in the 1990s but have since become redundant. The cars and specific aspects of Lumon’s office also have a 90s aesthetic. On the other hand, the characters interact with technology in the outside world like our daily lives. A notable example is the use of smartphones. Hence, it is evident that the creators deliberately try to mislead the viewers about the era of the series to create some tasty twists. In a brief snap, viewers see Mark’s driver’s license, which has an expiration date of March 2020, so it’s safe to assume the series is set in the same year.
Where is severance pay determined?
“Severance” takes place primarily in the offices of Lumon Industries, a fictional corporation with many dark secrets. However, as with the time period of the show, it is unknown which location serves as the primary setting for the story. The series indicates that Lumon Industries has a major presence in the town where it is based, as most of the locals work at the company. Since the business itself is fictional, it likely takes place in a fictional town. In the series premiere episode, Petey gives Mark an address that reads 499 Half Loop Road, which is almost certainly an imaginary location.
On the other hand, Mark occasionally visits Pip’s Bar & Grill. A restaurant of the same name was operational on Veterans Memorial Boulevard in Louisiana. But given the gloomy and cold weather we see on screen, the show is unlikely to be set in Louisiana. However, the series was filmed in New York and New Jersey. Both of these states get very cold during the winter. So the fictional town in either state could be the actual setting for the show. Nevertheless, the mystery over the exact location also adds a different flavor to the dark and disturbing tale.
Read more: Where is Severance filmed?