Are you looking for Kelly (End Of A Nightmare) Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Kelly (End Of A Nightmare) by Fred Again
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
You are near the end of a nightmare
(How are you, Fred?)
(I’ve not seen you in so long)
You are near the end of a nightmare
(Um, can we please see each other?)
(‘Cause I miss you)
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
Fear (You are near the end of a nightmare)
Fear (You are near the end of a nightmare)
(End of a nightmare)
(End of a nightmare)
(End of a nightmare)
(End of a nightmare)
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
You know how to calm me down
You know how to calm me down
You know how to calm me down
You know how to calm me down
You know how to calm me down
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(The end of a nightmare)
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
(That is love, right there)
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
Take hold on me, take hold on me
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
(You are near the end of a nightmare)
(Pull me out of—)
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