Bleu (Better With Time) Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Bleu (Better With Time) Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Bleu (Better With Time) by Fred Again

I just know that it get better with time
Just know that
I just know that it get better with time
I just know that
I just know that it get better with time

So classy
You can tell him that you’re mine still
I just know that it get better with time
So classy

Don’t hurt me
But I thought you were on my side
I need you here beside me
But you’ll always shake my life

And I’m trying to make that fine
And I’m trying to call tonight
I know that you’re sorry
But I don’t need to find out why

I just know that it gets better with time
Just know that
I just know that it get better with time
I just know that
I just know that it get better

So classy
You can tell him that you’re mine still
I just know that it get better with time
I just know that
(I want you to see me Fred, I’m here)

Oh, it hurts me
It’s just when your screen went black
Lost in fear, you above me
And you lost count, we back

I see you fading, fading
But you saved me
All night, all night
But you break me
Alright, alright
(I’m here)

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I just know that it gets better with time
Just know that
I just know that it get better with time
I just know that
I just know that it get better

So blast it
You can tell him that you’re mines still
I just know that it get better with time
I just know that
I just know that it get better with time

I just know that
I just know that it get better with time

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