Danielle (Smile On My Face) Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Danielle (Smile On My Face) Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Danielle (Smile On My Face) by Fred Again

Sometimes I wanna feel the pain
You said you were done
But you’re over here naked
In the middle of the day

Sometimes I wanna feel the pain
You said you were done
f**k what they say, I’m safe in your arms
And if I die in your arms
There’ll be a smile on my face

There’ll be a smile on my face

Sometimes I wanna feel the pain
You said you were done
But you’re over here naked
In the middle of the day

So squeeze my heart all day
Squeeze it till it breaks
f**k what they say, I’m safe in your arms
And if I die in your arms
There’ll be a smile on my face

There’ll be a smile on my face
There’ll be a smile on my f…
There’ll be a smile on my f…

f**k what they say, if I die in your arms
There’ll be a smile on my face

There’ll be a smile on my face
There’ll be a smile on my f…
There’ll be a smile on my f…

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