Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 2 Recap and Ending, Explained: Who is Asha?


After meeting a new survivor in the Season 3 premiere of TNT’s post-apocalyptic series “Snowpiercer,” Layton and other members of the pirate train crew welcome her aboard. Meanwhile, Wilford hatches a new plan to see Layton’s end. The members of the pirate train ponder their options for recolonizing planet Earth. The second episode also sees some surprising developments in Snowpiercer, as Ruth and Tailies continue their resistance. Since the episode ends with some mind-blowing events, we have looked into the same in detail. But before that, let’s do a little recap! FRONT SPOILERS.

Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 2 Recap

The second episode of “Snowpiercer” Season 3, titled “The Last to Go”, begins with Wilford testing new equipment with the help of Mrs. Headwood and Kevin. The test is successful. Ruth, hiding on the train, tells Pike and the other Tailies about the equipment. On the pirate train, the new survivor wakes up and introduces herself as Asha. Layton clears the air with Josie about their kiss and assures that it means nothing. It also introduces Asha to the train and explains how mankind survived the freeze thanks to Snowpiercer.

Image credit: David Bukach/TNT

Ben performs the tests and reveals that civilization cannot be reborn in the places they have been for at least a century. He informs the crew that the only option left is the southern Arabian Peninsula in Africa. Layton digs through the books to figure out the meaning of his recurring visions and learns that the tree in his visions is actually a dragon’s blood tree, which only grows in hot places in Arabia. As their resources are depleted, the pirate train also decides to reconnect with Snowpiercer.

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In Snowpiercer, Oz proposes to Lilah Jr., who replies yes. They both inform Wilford of their decision and Wilford immediately plans a wedding to celebrate the occasion. He takes the opportunity to celebrate their loyalty and impose himself as the leader of the train. With Zarah’s help, Ruth manages to reach out to Javi, who reveals to Ruth that the equipment is a weapon to kill Layton. Ruth and Pike seek Lights’ help in disarming the equipment, which identifies it as an electromagnetic pulse machine. She does her best to disarm the equipment while Wilford and his men attend LJ and Oz’s wedding.

LJ and Oz marry with Wilford’s blessing. As the wedding ceremony continues, Kevin searches the train and meets Javi. To remove suspicion, he gathers soldiers and goes to check the equipment. To stop them and give Lights time to disarm the equipment, Ruth sacrifices herself and surrenders to Kevin.

Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 2 Ending: Who is Asha? How did she survive the freeze?

Asha was a nuclear technician, who worked at the same North Korean nuclear power plant that Layton met her. She was one of 34 crew members at the plant, who survived on the plant’s residual nuclear energy when frost hit the planet. Over the years, his colleagues perished due to adverse conditions and severe radiation poisoning. Her nephew, who was with her in the reactor, died of thyroid cancer four years before Layton accidentally arrived.

Image credit: David Bukach/TNT

By the time Asha is rescued from the reactor by Layton, she has become severely dehydrated and malnourished. She was unaware of the survival of humanity and saw herself as the last remnant of the species on the planet. Her understanding only changes when she meets Layton in the underground reactor. Asha showed incredible courage to support herself through eight years of freezing, even when she became the last human survivor in the nuclear power plant.

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Does Tailies disarm Wilford’s electromagnetic weapon?

No, Tailies isn’t disarming Wilford’s electromagnetic weapon. When Layton emerges as the new leader of Snowpiercer, it hurts Wilford’s ego immensely. Even when Layton leaves Snowpiercer with a pirate train, Wilford does his best to ensure that the new leader of the remnants of humanity will be condemned. The electromagnetic pulse device Wilford developed is a way for him to destroy Layton and regain his authority in Snowpiercer. Realizing Wilford’s intentions, Ruth and Pike seek Lights’ help in disarming the weapon. However, his attempts lead to the weapon being activated.

Image credit: David Bukach/TNT

Realizing the threat in front of them, Pike orders to throw the gun off the moving train. Since Lights fails to disarm the weapon, the only option in front of Pike and the other tailies is to avert disaster by throwing it away. With help from Strong Boy, Pike and others ensure the activated weapon is thrown out of Snowpiercer. Even though the weapon releases electromagnetic energy, disaster is averted and Wilford’s plans to wipe out Layton and his allies are disrupted.

Does the pirate train reconnect to Snowpiercer? How does the pirate train locate Snowpiercer?

No, the Pirate Train is not yet reconnecting to Snowpiercer. However, Layton, Ben, and other pirate train crew members locate Snowpiercer and ride the parallel pirate train to eventually reconnect to Snowpiercer. When the pirate train’s resources run out, Ben and Layton decide to reconnect to Snowpiercer ahead of their Arabian expedition. When they lose satellite connections to determine Snowpiercer’s location, Layton decides to run the train parallel to the main line to encounter Snowpiercer on the way.

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Image credit: David Bukach/TNT

However, when Wilford’s electromagnetic weapon releases electromagnetic energy, the pirate train locates the signal. Ben, Layton and others locate Snowpiercer through the location of the electromagnetic release and run the train parallel to Snowpiercer. The arrival of the pirate train also stops Ruth’s punishment for treason, whose arm is to be severed from exposure to the cold. In the next episode, we can expect the pirate train to connect with Snowpiercer and Layton to regain his authority.

Read more: Where is Melanie? Is she dead or alive in season 3 of Snowpiercer?

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