“Pam & Tommy” is a biographical drama that follows the remarkable story of the titular celebrity couple and their infamous sex tape. The first three episodes of the miniseries introduce us to a disgruntled carpenter named Rand (Seth Rogen), who inadvertently steals the tape in question and decides to take advantage of its distribution, leading to all sorts of mayhem. Episode 3, titled “Jane Fonda”, sees Rand come up with the innovative idea of using the internet to sell the tape anonymously. Although each production house rejects the tape because it does not come with an official release, he recklessly begins making copies of the tape and sending them to paying customers.
As demand for the tape skyrockets, Rand thinks of increasing even as his partner, Uncle Miltie, moves from country to country, laundering their profits. The carpenter even invites his old acquaintance Erica to dinner, expecting the windfall to continue. Meanwhile, the titular couple spend their days madly in love even as Pamela tries to focus on her acting career. Episode 3 ends with her ecstatically informing Tommy that she is pregnant while Rand visits a larger recording facility in another part of town. Everything is about to fall apart soon enough. Can’t wait to find out what’s next? Here’s everything we know about “Pam & Tommy” Episode 4.
Pam & Tommy Episode 4 Release Date
‘Pam & Tommy’ episode 4 is slated for the first time February 9, 2022at 12 p.m. ET on Hulu. Brand new episodes are released every Wednesday, with the season finale slated for March 9, 2022. In all, “Pam & Tommy” Season 1 contains 8 approximately hour-long episodes.
Where to stream Pam & Tommy Episode 4 online?
Episode 4 of “Pam & Tommy” will be available to stream on Hulu in the United States. Internationally, including the UK and Canada, Episode 4 will stream on Disney+. All previously released episodes of the biographical miniseries can also be streamed on both platforms. The show is also available on Star+ in select Latin American countries.
Pam & Tommy Episode 4 Spoilers
Episode 4 is titled “The Master Beta”, which likely refers to the stolen videotape Rand is selling copies of. The next episode promises to be pivotal, with the titular couple likely finding out that their intimate recording has been made public. Since Episode 3 ends with Pamela announcing her pregnancy, the following episode will likely see her preparing for her first child, even as tragedy brews. If Tommy and Pamela find out about the gang in the next episode, it will likely have powerful ramifications for their marriage, which will be further complicated by the pregnancy.
Meanwhile, if its title is any indication, Episode 4 will see Rand continue to make copies of the “master tape” to keep up with growing demand. With the wall of VCRs he now has access to, he can dramatically increase the production process and mail out many more copies of the intimate video. It also makes it very likely that the celebrity couple featured in the recording will finally find out about the theft, and the show’s two storylines will finally collide.
Although Rand doesn’t seem to realize it, he is committing a significant crime by selling the tapes, let alone the initial theft. Thus, it is only a matter of time before the seriousness of the matter becomes clear to him, which could lead the carpenter to take drastic measures (as he did with the “compensatory” theft ).
Finally, there seems to be something brewing between Erica and Rand, even if the former lives happily with his girlfriend. After taking her to dinner, Rand can barely help but reveal his get-rich-quick scheme. Given that Erica is also in the adult video business and has a sweet spot for our bumbling vengeful carpenter, she just might help with the illegal tape-selling business. It looks like Rand might turn the tide on Erica in the upcoming episode 4, which will have some interesting repercussions and will likely increase sales of illegitimate online tapes even more.
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