Directed by Boots Riley, “Sorry to Bother You” is a dark comedy fantasy film about telemarketer Cassius Green, whose life changes when he stumbles upon a magic key. He happens to act as a portal to an alternate reality where he could fulfill his desires. However, he is led astray when he meets Steve Lift, a manipulative CEO who makes an offer he can’t refuse. The film is set in a dreamlike world characterized by vibrant tones and surreal weirdness. So if you want to know where it was filmed, check out all the locations here!
sorry to disturb you
“Sorry to Bother You” began filming on June 22, 2017 and wrapped production on July 28, 2017. The film is set in a fictional, fantasy Oakland where Cassius finds material abundance. The film is said to portray a gentrified Oakland quite different from how it actually looks. If you’re wondering if this really happened in Oakland, we have news for you. The production was primarily shot in Oakland, California. Let’s dive into the details!
Oakland, California
The film significantly introduces Oakland, a city filled with attractions. As well as being home to a beautiful lake, it’s also known for hosting performances by the Oakland Symphony Orchestra and Oakland Civic Ballet. Other sources of its impeccable reputation include the Oakland Museum, the Knowland State Arboretum, and the Oakland Zoological Park. The film covers a vast expanse from flats to hills. It covers affluent residential streets, tree-lined lanes, modern establishments, commercialized land and much more.
The production team used a homeless camp located near Soundwave Studios, where the majority of the shots were filmed. Located at 2200 Wood Street, its history spans over 25 years. The owner of the production facility, Al Luchessi, revealed that people used to approach him with ideas to develop the nearby camp into condos. Jason Kisvarday, the film’s production designer, further revealed that they would deny their requests as the building was part of the studio.
From Soundwave, the film spreads to a variety of locations around town. The protest scene features Franklin Street between the 19th and 17th. The First Unitarian Church of Oakland appears in the background in another sequence, while The Layover at 1571 Franklin Street characterizes a tense scene involving the workers. The Bissap Baobab at 381 15th Street was also used to shoot several scenes.
The luxury rental apartment in the movie is actually located in the Cathedral Building at 1615 Broadway. The exterior of the call center in the film was shot at Kaiser Permanente on Franklin Street. Scenes depicting the interior of the Call Center feature parts of the Mayway Building at Mandela Parkway.
Other California Locations
In the absurdist comedy film, the scene in which a cop shoots a teenager was shot in San Leandro, a town in Alameda County. One of the most notable aspects of the city is the cherry, which paved the way for its annual Cherry Festival which began in 1909. The Pup Hut in Richmond, located at 12505 San Pablo Avenue, is the Kwik Way Burger joint to the movie. Steve Lift’s Mansion in the film is actually the Spring Mansion, a century-old palatial estate located at 1960 San Antonio Avenue in Berkeley.
Read more: Sorry to bother you, explained