Where are Jessica Servais and Jordan Kendhammer today?


CBS’ “48 Hours: Mystery on County Road M” is an episode that not only chronicles the tragic 2016 death of 46-year-old Barbara Kendhammer, but also its puzzling aftermath. After all, while her husband of 25 years still maintains that a freak accident somehow led to her death, officials believe he killed her and staged the scene. The most intriguing aspect, however, is that Barbara and Todd Kendhammer’s children support their father despite his conviction for premeditated murder. So now, if you want to know more about them, we have the details for you.

Who are Jessica Servais and Jordan Kendhammer?

Growing up in what they can only describe as a happy home in West Salem, Wisconsin, Jessica Servais and Jordan Kendhammer have always said their parents were still very much in love. “Everything my mom wanted, my dad gave her,” Barbara and Todd’s daughter, Jessica, said in “48 Hours.” “They were just in a really good time in their lives because they had their first grandchild, and they were well off.” His younger brother Jordan has also supported this sentiment in the past by testifying that he has never seen them argue, let alone have an altercation.

After the death of their mother in September 2016, the siblings were of course heartbroken, but what shocked them the most was the arrest of their father within three months. They had seen him struggle to cope with the heavy loss and had gone through the grieving process together, which kept them from imagining that his actions could have been fatal. Jessica and Jordan therefore took up Todd’s defense during his trial at the end of 2017, both deeming their parents’ relationship “perfect”. The former even went so far as to say, “I try to model my marriage on theirs.”

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Where are Jessica Servais and Jordan Kendhammer now?

Despite the best efforts of Jessica Servais and Jordan Kendhammer, their father was eventually convicted of first-degree intentional homicide. Therefore, presumably in an effort to gain some leniency, Todd’s daughter also spoke out during the sentencing hearing: “My dad is an amazing, kind and caring person. And he’s been nothing but kind and caring to everyone he meets throughout my life. Following this, once the proceedings concluded with the verdict of Todd’s life sentence (with parole after 30 years), the brother-sister duo contacted other lawyers in an attempt to have his sentence overturned for good.

Image Credit: WXOW News 19

Jessica and Jordan think prosecutors never really answered the key questions, so at the very least another trial for their father is warranted. “They never really said how he killed her or what he did to set it all up,” the eldest sibling said on the CBS episode. To this, his brother added, “If he wanted to kill Ma, why the hell would he do all the work and trouble to find a pipe, drive to the middle of a busy road….” “He has like 28 guns in the basement,” Jessica said.

Therefore, it seems that they continue to fight for their father’s freedom to this day, while making sure to keep their mother’s memories alive in their hearts. In other words, neither Jessica nor Jordan want this one disturbing incident to be the reason they lose both parents, albeit in drastically different ways. As for their own whereabouts, while Jordan is currently working in the labor industry in West Salem, all we know of Jessica is that the Wisconsin native is a happily married mother to a young daughter. .

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Read more: The Murder of Barbara Kendhammer

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