Time Out Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Time Out Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Time Out by Doc Jazz

Sometimes I feel it all just goes too fast
It’s time to take a break or two
Before you know it
The future’s already past
There’s barely time to do the things you want to do
There’s gotta be a place where love is still in rule
There’s gotta be a place where money’s just a tool
Honey let’s dream we’re on a distant shore together
We’ll spend the day just watching the waves and enjoy the sunny weather
There’s gotta be a place where love is still in rule
There’s gotta be a place where money’s just a tool
I’m taking a time out from the game of life
I’m tired of being pushed around and ’round
Don’t wanna be part of this ambition race
Just wanna lay back and rest my mind
Living for myself is not my scene
There’s gotta be someone there to share your joys and pains
It’s the only way we can accept this world
If we’re in this together we can make it through the rains
There’s gotta be a place where love is still in rule
There’s gotta be a place where money’s just a tool
I’m taking a time out from the game of life
I’m tired of being pushed around and ’round
Don’t wanna be part of this ambition race
Just wanna lay back and rest my mind
I’m taking a time out from the game of life
But where would I be without your loving touch
Cause energy flows into my wasted mind
Whenever I look into your eyes

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