Till My Heartaches End Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Till My Heartaches End Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Till My Heartaches End by Ella Mae Saison

I recall when you said that you would never leave me
You told me more, so much more like when the time you whispered in my ear
There was heaven in my heart
I remember when you said that you’d be here forever
Then you left without even saying that you’re leaving
I was hurt and it really won’t be easy to forget yesterday
And I pray that you would stay
But then you’re gone and, oh, so far away
I was afraid this time would come
I wasn’t prepared to face this kind of hurtin’ from within
I have learned to live my life beside you
Maybe I’ll just dream of you tonight
And if into my dream you’ll come and touch me once again
I’ll just keep on dreaming till my heartaches end
And then you left without even saying that you’re leaving
I was hurt and it really won’t be easy to forget yesterday
And I pray that you would stay
But then you’re gone and, oh, so far away
Woh oh yeah
Keep on dreaming till my heartaches end…

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