Speeding 72 Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Speeding 72 Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Speeding 72 by Momma

[Verse 1] Hey I heard you’re coming from a complicated place at best
I know a cure put the pedal to the metal lay it all to rest
So get behind the wheel, we can make a deal
I’ll show you how to clear your head
So come on take a chance tell me all your plans
We don’t have to go to bed

[Pre-Chorus] Look out your window
Driving in a different town
Same street, same home
Buckle up so we can go
[Chorus] Speeding 72
We’re faster getting nowhere
Baby we could go thеre
Shining on a secret avеnue
Hear the burning rubber fanfare
Maybe there’s a show there
Meet up on a Sunday
Filling up the ashtray
Nothing gets in our way
Always in a new place
You can catch us around
Listening to Gold Soundz
Keep me in your car
Keep me in your car

[Verse 2] Face to face here’s another situation where the joy ride ends
A perfect pace and we’re just around the corner where the streetlights bend
And we can drive fast
Steady pushing on the gas
I’ll show you how to clear your head
No matter where we meet
My silly heart beats
And reminds me of the night you said
[Pre-Chorus] Look out your window
Driving in a different town
Same street, same home
Buckle up so we can go

[Chorus] Speeding 72
We’re faster getting nowhere
Baby we could go there
Shining on a secret avenue
Hear the burning rubber fanfare
Maybe there’s a show there
Meet me on a Sunday
Filling up the ashtray
Nothing gets in our way
Always in a new place
You can catch us around
Listening to Gold Soundz
Keep me in your car
Keep me in your car

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