Radio Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Radio Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Radio by Paolo Nutini

You put your faith in something beautiful
Sell your reflection to the traveling show
We leave ourselves a lot to answer for
I’ve left myself and now I wanna go home

And up there in your treehouse
Pigs and politicians go bump in the night
It’ll take more than a superman
To make us think that everything’s alright

And there’s nothing on the radio
They’re all talking like they’re falling in love
Oh there’s nothing on the radio
And then it hits me like a fist from above

I’m singing

I, I, I, I want love, I want love
I, I, I, I want love, I want love


We half-remember all the promises we made
But they’re like white noise to us now
We light our match and walk away, beside ourselves
And it’s easy, hmmm

These days are written on our face
And in the faith that we can change this script tonight
You know me better than I’ll ever know myself
If you see me, make it easy on me

Nothing on the radio
They’re all talking like they’re falling in love
Oh there’s nothing on the radio
Then it hits me like a fist from above

I’m singing

I, I, I, I want love, I want love
I, I, I, I want love, I want love

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You’d better get here soon
You’d better get here soon
You’d better get here soon

There’s nothing on the radio
They’re all talking like they’re falling in love
Oh there’s nothing on the radio
And then it hits me like a fist from above

I’m singing

I, I, I, I want love, I want love
I, I, I, I want love, I want love
I, I, I, I want love, I want love
I, I, I
I want love

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