Afterneath Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Afterneath Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Afterneath by Paolo Nutini

Babe, babe
You know, baby
Baby, baby
You know
What I want
Baby, baby, baby

Amid the chaos of that day
When all I could hear was the thunder of gunshots
And all I could smell was the violence in the air
I look back still amazed
That my thoughts were so clear and true
That three words went through my mind endlessly
Repeating themselves, like a broken record
You’re so cool
You’re so cool
You’re so cool
You’re so cool
You’re so cool

I got your call on a red telephone
I was laid out still beside the ashtray
Trying to save a memory of you and me in a better time
When suddenly our madness was there for all the world to see
Carnage in good night despair
A deep dive into an open mind
On the lost highway of the caustic night
When we held each other’s hand
And then afterneath the neon motel light
You said:
“Let’s knock ’em all down”
So I kissed your lips
As you took me in the violence thinking
This will be the end
This will be the end
This will be the end
You’re so cool
You’re so cool
You’re so cool
You’re so cool
You’re so cool
You’re so cool

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