Marteau Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Marteau Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Marteau by Hideous Disguise

With a rope on my neck, leave me swinging!
Don’t cover it up. Are you still bleeding?
This hole in my chest says you were all i had, i’m not sitting on the sidelines to watch the days go by.
One more down. And now there’s nowhere to thrive.
You bled me dry, drained the life from my veins this time.
And when I’ve given up everything, it’s one more day.
Carve a notch into the old block.
One more down. Who’s hollow now?
One more down. Quite the bitter shock.
What goes around.
Bodies broken from kneeling intently.
Repress the thought because a conscience can be deadly in this town.
I’m wanting out, my breathing is shallow.
Am i still holding on or are we bracing for the final?
I’m not the first one but i’m the last you’ll see.
It’s not what I’ve earned it’s what was taken from me.
One more down. And now there’s nowhere to thrive.
You bled me dry, drained the life from my veins this time! and when I’ve given up everything it’s one more day.
Carve a notch into the old block.
Broken Sleepless contained, this one’s for the tortured.
This is not a metaphor. it’s over. I’ts over.

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