A Glass Tooth Song Lyrics


Are you looking for A Glass Tooth Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

A Glass Tooth by Hideous Disguise

Don’t touch what you can’t have, don’t take what you can’t handle.
Was it the shape that saved your live or cast into the flame?
Shuffling our heals, when will we learn?
The seconds count down as the candle burns.
We are the knives in our own backs, we put the wrench in the gears that turn when all we knew was silence.
We won’t go out like this.
Don’t touch what you can’t have.
Don’t take what you can’t handle, was it the shape that saved your life or cast into the flame?
There’s one more step to removing the blindfold open your eyes and see the light.
It’s all inside of us it’s all inside of us!
When we reach out, you let us all down.
Where are we now? We are the sound!
Like a grain of sand in an hourglass as soon as it came now the time has passed.
We open our arms to those who sell us out.
Flickering flickering they told us,
Betrayed by the lies they sold us.
Never again will i be led by your hand.
There’s one more step to removing the blindfold.
Open your eyes and see the light.
It’s all inside of us it’s all inside of us!
Where are we now? I bet you’re so proud.
Turn around and walk until the sun goes down!

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