I Won’t Be Led Astray Song Lyrics


Are you looking for I Won’t Be Led Astray Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

I Won’t Be Led Astray by Alan Parsons Project

I feel you
I hear you call
Don’t know which way to fall

You touch me
You guard my soul
Praying I’ll soon be whole

But poisons consume me
Deceivers entomb me
My back’s against the wall
I long for the time
When I don’t have to crawl

And I won’t be led astray
Dawn’s rays kiss the road
And light the way
Losing this heavy load
Can you help me break away
From fears that bind
And rules I can’t obey
In your arms I want to stay

I need you
I want you near
Feel so lost when you’re not here

They want to control me
They try to console me
Like headlights to a deer
I dare not follow them anymore
My path is clear

And I won’t be led astray
Dawn’s rays kiss the road
And light the way
Losing this heavy load
Can you help me break away
From fears that bind
And rules I can’t obey
In your arms I want to stay

And I won’t be led astray
Dawn’s rays kiss the road
And light the way
Can you help me break away
From fears that bind
And rules I can’t obey
In your arms I want to stay

READ MORE:  Generation Song Lyrics

I want to stay
Forever in your arms

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