You Are The Light Song Lyrics


Are you looking for You Are The Light Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

You Are The Light by Alan Parsons Project

This angry world can be so harsh
But you kept the faith, in the human race
You never spoke the words that scarred
You played your ace when you broke cold ways
In truth we’re not so far apart

You are the light in this world
Under a burning star
In an empty space you’ve come so far
You are the light in this world

When darkness rules an empty heart
Set the world aglow, with a brilliant show
It only takes a single spark
Let the fire grow, let the people know
It doesn’t have to be so hard

You are the light in this world
Under a burning star
In an empty space you’ve come so far
You are the light in this world
We are the light in this world

Through all life’s aggravations
The trials and tribulations
The light still burns within us all
Let’s start coming together now
Got to rise above it and show them how

You are the light in this world
Under a burning star
In an empty space you’ve come so far
You are the light in this world

Just like the burning sun
You can shine your light on everyone

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Put your hands up and feel that sound
Put your hands up and feel the light shine down
Put your hands up and feel that sound
Put your hands up and feel the love goin’ round

Put your hands up and feel that sound
(You are the light in this world)
Put your hands up and feel the light shine down
Put your hands up and feel that sound
(We are the light in this world)
Put your hands up and feel the love comin’ down

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