Halos Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Halos Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Halos by Alan Parsons Project

And you’re in and you’re out
And you play their mind games
While the stranger in your soul
Is lost in the shame
Posturing politics
Lies are now the new norm
Chances will be better if together
We can battle this

Storm of the new day that’s in us all
Halos in the shadows – don’t let us fall
Don’t let us fall

We call it soccer or just maybe
We all call it a football game
And come elections
We can watch it as they trade the blame
Emotional litter
On the road to becoming a sacred soul
I think together we are better
We can win this

Game of the new way that’s in us all
Halos in the shadows – don’t let us fall
Don’t let us fall

There is a chance that if we fake it
We will break the sky
Throw up our hands, look at each other
And keep wondering why
Chances are better together
As we battle this

Game of the new day that’s in us all
Halos in the shadows – don’t let us fall
Don’t let us fall
The perfect parade, but no one came
Halos in the shadows – don’t let us fall
Don’t let us fall

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Halos in the shadows – don’t let us fall
Don’t let us fall

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