William Song Lyrics


Are you looking for William Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

William by Russian Red

Is this the best that I can hope?
Is this the farthest I can go?
My reason tells me it is not
My heart denies I ever loved

Never forget the days of fascination and joy
Remember the driving hours, playing these songs made of float
And I will never come back to the place that stole my most
Bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter phase

Who ever said we cannot fly?
The strangest dream will change your life
My body tells me I’m about to crawl
My sister used to wear my clothes

Never forget the days of fascination and joy
Remember the driving hours, playing these songs made of float
And I will never come back to the place that stole my most
Bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter phase

Never forget the days of fascination and joy
Remember the driving hours, playing these songs made of float
And I will never come back to the place that stole my most
Bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter phase

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