Wait Actually Yeah No Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Wait Actually Yeah No Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Wait Actually Yeah No by They Might Be Giants

On a South Sea island, wait actually yeah no
In the doctor’s waiting room downtown, no never mind
On a highway exit ramp
In a big department store
Wait um yeah, no

World War I, the western front
Place you went on business once
Yes, but not that

Twenty-car collision, wait actually yeah no
Someone you don’t know staring at you, no never mind
Pair of white magician gloves
Camels in a caravan
Wait um yeah no

Thing you haven’t tried before
Misremembered anecdote
Yes, but not that

Self-enclosing whale
Artificial pain
Marijuana egg
Swimming tambourine
Frozen human rug
Secret wolverine
Odorless guitar chord

Wouldn’t it be good if wait, actually yeah no
What about okay like a thing like, no never mind
Wait a second, hear me out
Picture this, imagine if
Wait um yeah no

Open up your mind to this
Close your eyes, consider it
Yes, but not that

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