These Are My Words Song Lyrics


Are you looking for These Are My Words Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

These Are My Words by Noxtrain

[Verse 1] These are my words and I’m calling
No real help as you’re falling
These are my feet and I’m running
Suffice to say I should be crawling
[Pre-chorus] It ain’t over now
Gotta get through it somehow
But I’m tired tonight
Why don’t you talk in silence
[Chorus] And I can’t understand it
Why can’t you get through my head
There’s nothing left inside me
The lights will go off when I stay
In my head
[Verse 2] These are my thoughts and I’m thinking
Contemplating, my ship is sinking
These are the things that I’m missing
Stuck with myself, reminiscing
[Pre-chorus] It ain’t over now
Gotta get through it somehow
But I’m tired tonight
Won’t you walk off in silence
[Chorus] And I can’t understand it
Why can’t you get through my head
There’s nothing left inside me
The lights will go off when I stay
In my head
[Chorus] And I can’t understand it
Why can’t you get through my head
There’s nothing left inside me
The lights will go off when I stay
In my head

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