That’s L.A. Song Lyrics


Are you looking for That’s L.A. Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

That’s L.A. by Bret McKenzie

[Verse 1] Drive down Sunset and the tears roll down my face
As the day goes by, I look the other way
When the sun goes down, I’m drinking margaritas
What’s the problem, man? Don’t call me a defeatist

[Pre-Chorus] ‘Cause that’s L.A.
That’s L.A.
I know she does have a pretty face
Oh, L.A.
[Chorus] And we’ll take San Vicente to the sea
And watch the sunset, sipping Mai Tais at Geoffrey’s
And then a moonlit swim in the ‘Del Ray
We’ll let the ocean waves wash our cares away
Oh, L.A.

[Verse 2] The sunbaked boulevards are paved with broken dreams
They tell stories that won’t make it to the screens
And when the sun goes down, I’m drinking at the tower
Days turn into weeks to years of happy hours

[Pre-Chorus] ‘Cause that’s L.A.
That’s L.A.
I know she does have a pretty face
Oh, L.A.

[Instrumental Break] [Chorus] And we’ll take San Vicente to the sea
And watch the sunset, sipping Mai Tais at Geoffrey’s
And then a moonlit swim in the ‘Del Ray
We’ll let the ocean waves wash our cares away
Oh, L.A.
[Outro] Sunshine, freeways
Poolside, L.A.
Sunshine, freeways
Poolside, L.A.
And we’ll take San Vicente to the sea
And watch the sunset, sipping Mai Tais at Geoffrey’s
And then a moonlit swim in the ‘Del Ray

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