Stranger Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Stranger Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Stranger by Ruth Radelet

[Verse 1] Velvet night, it’s dark and lonely
City lights are the only thing inside
You’re the only thing that’s right
Fast cars and your driver make me feel so alive
I turn the wheel, I made this deal, don’t take the deal

[Chorus] Baby, I’m so far away from home
Baby, you could bury me in stone
I could never hold you in my hands
I know I’m a stranger in your land
[Verse 2] Silver moon, chase tomorrow
Nothing left you can borrow
Don’t be proud, hide your face behind the clouds
Angel wings are broken, you have not truly spoken
To the ones whose pointed guns have set the sun

[Chorus] Baby, I’m so far away from home
Baby, you could bury me in stone
I could never hold you in my hands
I know I’m a stranger in your land

[Instrumental Outro]

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