
Are you looking for SKIT: EGOMANIAC Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

SKIT: EGOMANIAC by Brent Faiyaz

You alright?
You seem happy I was the one to have your first child but you don’t treat me like it
Like what the f**k?
You know I’m not from L.A
I don’t have any family out here so I have no support system during my pregnancy
And you said, “Don’t worry about it”, that you were the only love and support I needed
Well, what the f**k happened to that?
I feel very, f**king, alone
And if you meant what you said, that should really concern you
[*phone buzzes*] Ugh, you respond fast to every b**ch except the person thats carrying your child, wow
You say, “Every b**ch”, that’s crazy
This my manager texting me
It’s cool though, I’m gon’ kill this drink, and just wait downstairs for my ride to the airport ’cause I don’t wanna make you more upset
Bye baby, bye lil’ baby, daddy will be back soon
Alright, I love you
Alright then I’ll see you tomorrow night
Goodbye Chris

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