
Are you looking for SILVER LININGS Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.


Look, I’ve spent a long time waiting round for big things
Opportunities come and go like cheap drinks
But cheese and beans and paint-stained jeans
Inhaling canisters made for whipped-cream in my teens
Worthless angles like broken bangles but I’m fragile and too hot to handle
Let me put it in perspective for you
Here, let me paint a pretty picture for you

Rolling up with silvers, living out my best days
But they say lightning never strikes twice in the same place
But we’re always on the cusp, I’ll forever put my trust in silver linings
Silver linings

But she’s the type of girl who likes champagne and diamonds
Long distance flights and all these requirements
She just want to party all weekend till Monday
Skip straight to third-base, forget the entrées
I’m on a train and I’m never getting off
I’m on a jet plane and I think I missed my stop
Someone wake me up when we get there
Can someone wake me up when we get there

Rolling up with silvers, living out my best days
But they say lightning never strikes twice in the same place
But we’re always on the cusp, I’ll forever put my trust in silver linings
Silver linings

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(All the clouds seem to gather up above me)
We’re always right place and wrong time
We always wait in the sunshine
And we’re always on the cusp, I’ll forever put my trust in silver linings
Silver linings

Rolling up with silvers, living out my best days
But they say lightning never strikes twice in the same place
But we’re always on the cusp, I’ll forever put my trust in silver linings
Silver linings

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