Prism Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Prism Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Prism by Exotype

As I peer into the void, my sight is multiplied.

And you, you and I,
Will see, we’ll see this to the end.
And you, you and I
Will be, will be the end of everything.

You only see what you want to see, when you look at me.
Your mind is your own prison.
Step outside into this prism.
You say what you want to say,
And you will die that way.
Take a breath and keep on living.
Step outside into this prism.

And you, you and I
Will see, we’ll see perspectives bend
And you, you and I
Will be, will be the death of every dream.

Broad spectrum
Tap to collect ??em
Attract ??em like crack and attack to correct ??em
A fact in a fax like a bat to the septum
A tax on a flag to neglect ??em

You only see what you want to see, when you look at me.
Your mind is your own prison.
Step outside into this prism.
You only say what you want to say,
And you will die that way.
Take a breath and keep on living.
Step outside into this prism.

The cost of freedom isn’t cheap
I’ll show you what it means to me.

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As I peer into the void, my sight is multiplied.

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