Oh Please Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Oh Please Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Oh Please by Metric

Oh please, don’t attempt to placate me
Or decide in advance how the chorus should go
Pure fear is a common theme through line
Most don’t even hope to approach the threshold
An old soul cries like a baby
I still willfully ignorant live
I paint the walls in slim shady
Hell stalls forever whatever it is
It got bad, it got so bad lately
Wildfires under-perform centerfolds
To inflate exaggerate greatly
Stoke fear to drive the directionless home

I thought this this was just what everyone did
I thought this was just how everyone lived
I thought this this was just what everyone did
I thought this was just how everyone lived

Oh please, don’t attempt to placate me
Tall Hallmark phrases that roll off the tongue
Re-frame a regrettable outcome
Stimulate a forgettable doll when you’re done
They’re all teeth the cowardly bite me
Imitation, the worst kind of flattery
Kids in cold blood on the bullet train take me
I can kill with my eyes and I’m murdering

I thought this this was just what everyone did
I thought this was just how everyone lived
I thought this this was just what everyone did
I thought this was just how everyone lived

Off that axis, got here solo
Me and my reverse vertigo
Off that axis, got here solo
Me and my reverse vertigo

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I thought this this was just what everyone did
I thought this was just how everyone lived
I thought this this was just what everyone did
I thought this was just how everyone lived
Let’s go

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