Like You Do Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Like You Do Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Like You Do by Ravyn Lenae

Ooh, you sing it like you do
You do, like you do
You sing it like you do
You do
Ooh, you sing it like you do
You do, like you do
You sing it like you do
You do

I can’t imagine a morning without you
Everybody knows (Mmm)
You keep me balanced when I’m feeling challenged
And I know it’s yours, and you feel the same way too

Ooh, you sing it like you do
You do, like you do
You sing it like you do
You do
Ooh, you sing it like you do
You do, like you do
You sing it like you do
You do
Ooh, you sing it like you do
You do, like you do
You sing it like you do
You do
Ooh, you sing it like you do
You do, like you do
You sing it like you do
You do
Ooh, you sing it like you do
You do, like you do
You sing it like you do
You do
Ooh, you sing it like you do
You do, like you do
You sing it like you do
You do

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