Lazybones Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Lazybones Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Lazybones by Hoagy Carmichael

Lazybones, sleepin’ in the sun.
…how you spect to get your day’s work done?
You can’t get your day’s work done… sleepin’ in the noon day sun

Lazybones, layin’ in the shade… how you gonna get your cornmeal made?
You can’t get no cornmeal made… sleepin’ in that evening shade

When taters need sprayin’, I bet you keep prayin’
The bugs’ll fall off of the vine
And when you go fishin’ I bet you keep wishin’
Them fish don’t grab your line

Lazybones, loafin’ all the day… how you spect to make a dime that way?
You won’t make no dime that way… loafin’ in the shade all day

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