Grand Bahama Scheme Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Grand Bahama Scheme Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Grand Bahama Scheme by Tiffany Hulse

[Chorus] It’s a Grand Bahama scheme.
Got my ass in the sand, with a cold one in hand,
Just livin’ my dream.
Cause it’s a Grand Bahama scheme.
[Verse 1] So it started to rain, as I exit the plane,
And I leave with my cargo in hand.
Guitar by my side, I’ve decided to hide,
And join in a tropical band.
[Chorus] [Verse 2] So won’t you take my advice, I won’t tell you this twice,
Jimmy has the right idea.
Going down to the islands, gonna fish those pilings,
I’ll buy you a couple of beers.
[Chorus] [Instrumental] [Verse 3] The boss tries to call, I do nothing at all,
As I lay in my hammock all day.
I’m not going back, that old life was an act,
For the rest of my life I will stay.

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