Grace Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Grace Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Grace by Ember Oceans

White ships on a deep blue sea,
What a night to watch the waves.
Red skies and open minds, perfect day to sail away.

Sail the seas and feel the breeze,
Swim in oceans far and wide, far and wide.
Innocence has left this town,
Nothing left to make me stay, make me stay.
I cannot stay, I won’t stay.

Anchors lie on the starboard side,
Feel the tide rolling in and out, in and out.
Bottled messages lying on the shore,
Words worth speaking slowly fade, slowly fade.
Why do they fade, why do they fade?

Open sails, sailors tales
Mystic travels near and far.
Set a course, no remorse,
Wind will be your northern star.

White ships on a deep blue sea,
What a night to watch the waves.
Red skies and open minds, perfect day to sail away.

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