Empty Promise Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Empty Promise Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Empty Promise by Mansionair

Gold light upon my face
Encased by grace and chemicals
Won’t lie it’s been a while since I was honest
45 and the sunsets slow
You climb upon my collarbone
False fires and compromise with no direction

The pages burn
The tables turn
And I’m starting over, will I learn?
I paid the cost
I held my loss
And I kept on running just to stop from coming undone

But I’m not made of stone
I am just skin and bone
And it’s time I’m honest
I’m waiting on an empty promise
But I’m not made of stone
I am just skin and bone
And it’s time I’m honest
I’m waiting on an empty promise

Hold high what I do not know
And place myself in centerfold
Stoned bright and sinking like a cannonball
Watered eyes and dominos
I tried to fit inside your mould
Crystalised, better on my own

The pages burn
The tables turn
And I’m starting over, will I learn?
I paid the cost
I held my loss
And I kept on running just to stop from coming undone

But I’m not made of stone
I am just skin and bone
And it’s time I’m honest
I’m waiting on an empty promise
But I’m not made of stone
I am just skin and bone
And it’s time I’m honest
I’m waiting on an empty promise

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