Drop Everything Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Drop Everything Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Drop Everything by Barcelona

She caught my eye on the back of the bus
A pretty young thing from a little old town
Leaving cause it wasn’t enough

She told me
She’s out on a mission to love
Wearing that heart right out on her sleeve
Acting like she’s having fun

Let’s pretend for a minute she was happy
Not a care in the world
Just a smiley face

I can see she’s headed for a tragedy
I wanna save the girl
But it’s not my place
I wanna ask her

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
We could drop everything, drop everything, run away
Tell me what would you do if I called your name
We could drop everything, drop everything, leave today

Well it’s been about five or six months
Ran into her, late night, working downtown
Living right under the gun

She kills me
The same sweet girl from the back of the bus
Baby on the way but she’s living alone
Cause her man ain’t man enough

I pretend for a minute she was happy
Not a care in the world
Just a smiley face

I can see she’s livin in a tragedy
I wanna save the girl
Is it my place?
I think I’ll ask her

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What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
We could drop everything, drop everything, run away
Tell me what would you do if I called your name
We could drop everything, drop everything, leave today

I need to know
Are you ready to admit
That the fear that’s keeping you here
It’s breaking your heart, breaking you down, breaking your will
I’m ready to go
But I need you to admit
It’s the fear that’s keeping you here
Breaking your heart, breaking you down, breaking your will

I can see you shaking, don’t know what to say
You can drop everything, drop everything that caused your pain
I could be your comfort but you choose your fate
Won’t you drop everything? Drop everything, run to me

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
We could drop everything, drop everything, run away
Tell me what would you do if I called your name
We could drop everything, drop everything, leave today

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