Crazy Times Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Crazy Times Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Crazy Times by Bret McKenzie

[Verse 1] Tonight, I’m staying home
There’s nowhere else to go
The streets are dead and the skies are quiet
The world I know is closed
L.A., I miss you now
I never thought I would
All your dusty days and your starless nights
On the streets of Hollywood

[Chorus] Ooh, there’s no sign of life
In these crazy times
The moon is rising up
It’s beautiful tonight
My friend, I miss you now
I could use a little light
Ooh, there ain’t no goodbyes
In these crazy times
[Verse 2] When it all blows over, you let me know
I’m on my way, I’m ready to go
Whеn the sun comes out, we can hit thе road
I’m all packed up, ready to roll

[Verse 3] Tonight, I’m staying home
And I’ll watch the seasons change
Who knows what’s down the line
And will it ever be the same?

[Outro] Ooh, there’s no end in sight
In these crazy times
In these crazy times
In these crazy times

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