CALLING Song Lyrics


Are you looking for CALLING Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

CALLING by Coldrain

(Hey, hey, hey)
(Hey, hey, hey)

Fifteen years in the making
Five as one we stand aligned
Going nowhere, but straight up higher
Sold our souls in the music
Loud and proud all through the night
Doing nothing, but going harder

We are the energy, together a symphony
Making history

This is a calling
Nothing can stop us, slow us down
I’ll give you a warning
Don’t ever try to bring us down
We’re going louder than we’ve ever before
So just let it blare

Fifteen years of believing
Five plus all that hold the line
We’re not leaving, nobody’s leaving
All for one, devotion
One for all, emotion
Growing bigger and only stronger

We are the energy, together a symphony
Making history

This is a calling
Nothing can stop us, slow us down
I’ll give you a warning
Don’t ever try to bring us down
We’re going louder than we’ve never before
So just let it blare

We’re going nowhere, nobody’s leaving
We’re going nowhere, won’t stop believing

We are the energy, together a symphony
Making history

This is a calling
Nothing can stop us, slow us down
I’ll give you a warning
Don’t ever try to bring us down

This is a calling
(Fifteen years in the making, five as one we stand aligned)
This is a calling
(Fifteen years in the making, five plus all that hold the line)
We’re going louder than we’ve never before
So just let it blare

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