A Mass Grave Of Saints Song Lyrics


Are you looking for A Mass Grave Of Saints Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

A Mass Grave Of Saints by Counterparts

I carve “goodbye” with a fallen angel’s spine
And watch the coffins close
Wishing one were mine

My sentiments unsung

Lips sewn shut, halo deformed
A keepsake of shadows dissolved without light (Light)
Buried alive (Buried alive)
My spirit in dirt

Wear my mark on your skin
Eyes roll back, torn between Heaven and Earth
My spirit in dirt
Buried alive

I carve “goodbye” with a fallen angel’s spine
And watch the coffins close
Wishing one were mine

I carve “goodbye” with a fallen angel’s spine
And watch the coffins close
Wishing one were mine

Torn between Heaven and Earth
Shower my spirit in dirt
Torn between Heaven and Earth
Shower my spirit in dirt

A requiem, a sermon spoken in tongues
Forgiveness forged
My sentiments unsung

I carve “goodbye” with a fallen angel’s spine
And watch the coffins close
Wishing one were mine

I carve “goodbye” with a fallen angel’s spine
And watch the coffins close
Wishing one were mine

A prayer unheard
I’ll find my place
In a mass grave of saints

A prayer unheard
I’ll find my place
In a mass grave of saints

A mass grave of saints

I watch the coffins close
Wishing one were mine
Backwards in both wrists
I carve “goodbye”

Backwards in both wrists
I carve “goodbye”

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