Tall Home Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Tall Home Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Tall Home by Momma

[Verse 1] No
Never trust him with the load
I’ll bury him alone
Deep inside my home

[Verse 2] Hide
Recluse mastermind
I stiffened up my pride
To me, you will abide
[Pre-Chorus] What’s up with your head?
Thought we talked like friends
Never disrespect me
I’m the f**ker down the street
I could be your everything
I could be your everything
I could be your everything

[Chorus] I’m slippin’ on my patience
Inside my tall home
Resist temptation
Inside my tall home

[Verse 3] Snide
All those piggies from outside
The townie gossip died
When he’s two weeks inside

[Pre-Chorus] What’s up with your head?
Thought we talked like friends
Never disrespect me
I’m the f**ker down the street
I could be your everything
I could be your everything
I could be your everything
[Chorus] I’m slippin’ on my patience
Inside my tall home
Resist temptation
Inside my tall home

[Outro] What’s up with your head?
Thought we talked like friends
Never disrespect me
I’m the f**ker down the street
I could be your everything
I could be your everything
I could be your everything

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