Motorbike Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Motorbike Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Motorbike by Momma

A shooter knows what a shooter takes
So I’ll take two shots of whiskey down
A cowboy in a comet race
The dark is getting darker now

Don’t go back to Texas, babe
The desert moon is far away
We’ll show the stars what a champ can make
And we’ll ride off into better days

[Chorus] Outside
Let the neighbors hear the sound
You can take me anywhere you like
Your motorbike will wake up this whole town
For one night
Baby we could disappear
You told me if I’m down to ride
Your motorbike will take us away from here
Tell me I’m a shooting star
A firework space cadet
The engine hums and buttercup
You need another cigarette

Don’t go back to Texas, babe
Unless you want your heart to break
The Big Dipper is far away
I know we’ll make it someday

[Chorus] Outside
Let the neighbors hear the sound
You can take me anywhere you like
Your motorbike will wake up this whole town
For one night
Baby we could disappear
You told me if I’m down to ride
Your motorbike will take us away from here

Let the neighbors hear the sound
You can take me anywhere you like
Your motorbike will wake up this whole town
For one night
Baby we could disappear
You told me if I’m down to ride
Your motorbike will take us away from here

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