Snakes Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Snakes Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Snakes by Bastille

Ooouh, I’m not ready
Ooouh, I’m not ready
Ooouh, I’m not ready
Ooouh, I’m not ready
Ooouh, I’m not ready
Ooouh, I’m not ready
Ooouh, I’m not ready
Ooouh, I’m not ready
Snakes are patting our hills
Followed from the grass
I keep keeping them away
Running from the soldiers can not last
If I’m not ready
Life will just eat me whole
If I’m not steady
Maybe I’ll lose control
But it’s easier to bury
My head in the sand sometimes
Yes, it’s easier to bury
My head in the sand sometimes
Yeah, I know, I know, I know
It’s not the right way to go
But I’m afraid that the ground will just swallow me whole
Now, the sky is living dark
Come and see the polar start to roar
Tomorrow we’ll be picking up the case
We gotta have the zones we can not hold (?)
If I’m not ready
Life will just eat me whole
If I’m not steady
Maybe I’ll lose control
But it’s easier to bury
My head in the sand sometimes
Yes, it’s easier to bury
My head in the sand sometimes
Yeah, I know, I know, I know
It’s not the right way to go
But I’m afraid that the ground will just swallow me whole
I’m afraid that the ground will just swallow me whole
If I’m not ready
Life will just eat me whole
If I’m not steady
Maybe I’ll lose control
But it’s easier to bury
My head in the sand sometimes
Yes, it’s easier to bury
My head in the sand sometimes
Yeah, I know, I know, I know
It’s not the right way to go
But I’m afraid that the ground will just swallow me whole
Yes, I know, I know, I know
It’s not the right way to go
But I’m afraid that the ground will just swallow me whole

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