Are you looking for Shroud Of Lethe Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Shroud Of Lethe by Khemmis
Broken lights hide the past I push away
Still I lie in the wreckage, fragments tearing my skin
Into the scars that I betray
It betrays us all
Why should I atone and wash away the pain?
I can’t trust the memories leading me astray
Still I hold on to what I know are lies
Written in stone
Draped in shame, wandering back through my life
Where I died, we were unmade
‘Til I find a light
Golden fire that gleams through the haze
Innocence lost that I reclaim
How can I atone and wash away the pain?
I can’t trust the memories leading me astray
Still I hold on to what I know are lies
Written in stone
Digging in the snow
And my hands are frostbitten and raw
No longer cold
Locked in a crystalline tomb of memory
Agony and verity
When will it come for me?
Take this token of sincere apology
Words unspoken so I sing their melody
The loss became a song of life
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