Are you looking for Living Pyre Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Living Pyre by Khemmis
There’s nothing left to give
Nothing to rake through coals
That I can use to keep the flame alive inside
Outside the storm rages
Injustice, bold and ageless
While I’m alone in the cold
I’m drowning in
A mind that’s always caving in
The rivers rise and surround me
My body is
A frame that’s weighed down by it’s sins
An anchor cold
And leaden
We’re burning in the firelight
A living pyre
I can’t just cast aside the burden in my heart
With no relief in sight, I’m being torn apart
(We are merely vessels)
Torn from the empty bliss of night
(Unhallowed by design)
Into the blinding light of life
(Wrought in the image of God)
We have to learn to find a way
(To transcend far beyond)
The tomb from which we came to be
Where we’re interred forever
I’m drowning in
A mind that’s always caving in
The rivers rise and surround me
My body is
A frame that’s weighed down by it’s sins
An anchor cold
And leaden
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