Phoenix Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Phoenix Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Phoenix by Deap Vally

Bruised, beaten, scarred, defeated
But my heart’s beating
Lost, left behind, but I’ve got time
My life is still mine

‘Cause nothing’s gonna take me down
Nothing’s gonna break my crown
As long as I can breathe
Nothing’s gonna stop me

‘Cause nothing’s gonna take me down
Nothing’s gonna break my crown
As long as I can breathe
Nothing’s gonna stop me

Like a phoenix, I rise
From the ashes, take flight
I’ve been tested, been tried
I’m a phoenix, I rise

Knock me down
I get up, I hold my head up
Cut me deep
Might shake me, but they can’t break me

‘Cause nothing’s gonna take me down
Nothing’s gonna break my crown
As long as I can breathe
Nothing’s gonna stop me

‘Cause nothing’s gonna take me down
Nothing’s gonna break my crown
As long as I can breathe
Nothing’s gonna stop me

Like a phoenix, I rise
From the ashes, take flight
I’ve been tested, been tried
I’m a phoenix, I rise

‘Cause nothing’s gonna take me down
Nothing’s gonna break my crown
As long as I can breathe
Nothing’s gonna stop me

‘Cause nothing’s gonna take me down
Nothing’s gonna break my crown
As long as I can breathe
Nothing’s gonna stop me

Like a phoenix, I rise
From the ashes, take flight
I’ve been tested, been tried
I’m a phoenix, I rise

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