I Like Crime Song Lyrics


Are you looking for I Like Crime Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

I Like Crime by Deap Vally

I think I like it
It’s what I crave
I need to feel it
It’s not a game
And I like it
No one can know
I need to feel it
Way down below

It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
But I like, but I like, but I like it
If I lived in a different time
Maybe I wouldn’t have to hide it
If it’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
I’d rather lose my head than my mind

I need to breathe it
I can’t unknow
How it feels when
She’s down below
Want them to hear us
Wish I could scream
I can’t stay quiet
Know what I mean

It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
But I like, but I like, but I like it
If I lived in a different time
Maybe I wouldn’t have to hide it
If it’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
I’d rather lose my head than my mind

(Don’t you ever forget it…)

It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
It’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
But I like, but I like, but I like it
If I lived in a different time
Maybe I wouldn’t have to hide it
If it’s a crime, it’s a crime, it’s a crime
I’d rather lose my head than my mind

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(Don’t you ever forget it…)

I will never, I will never quit it
It’s not a crime, it’s not a crime
I will never, I will never quit it
Lock me up, give me death, I get it

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