If I Had You Song Lyrics


Are you looking for If I Had You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

If I Had You by Ivana Zerdun

I remember that summer day
Playing tag with my best friend
Then you passed by me
And my heart burned for the first time
I remember that cold night
Seeing you in the dark
Walking further away
With every step you take
“we’ll meet again”, you said
And never looked back
Every moment i’m with you
I catch my breath
Every piece of your touch
Freezes my blood
I would hold you for eternity
If you were right here with me
I would purely love you
If you came back home again
I would surrender myself to you
If you just understood that
I would be in the lead
If I had you
Only you
You are worth every mile between us

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