Are you looking for ICBB Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
ICBB by Comet Kid
Oh, what are we,
Are we fighting for immunity or are we free?
Hey, let me know,
Is this place youâre looking for the only way to go?
I say oh, hey yeah
Iâll be the fire, be the stone, Iâll be your enemy
Hey, how are we,
Can we still be making peace when itâs too late for me?
Oooh, I will be better than you all
Oooh, I will be stronger than you are
Oh, who are you,
Are you harder, better, faster, are you stronger than me?
Hey, let me see,
How come the words you put out here are not the same out there?
Hey, hey yeah,
Iâll be the fire, be the stone, Iâll be your enemy
Oh, how are you,
Will you still be fighting me when itâs the end of you?
Oooh, I will be better than you all
Oooh, I will be stronger than you are
Oooh, I will be more and more and more and more and more!
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