Are you looking for Happy Being Sad Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Happy Being Sad by Alexthomasdavis
I could say a lot of things about you
You could say a lot of things about me
I can see a lot of things surround you
You could do a lot of things to find me
I’m just great you’re feeling bruised
You’re just fine I’m feeling used
But I’m happy being sad
I’m happy being sad
I’m happy being sad over you
I could share a lot of things about you
You could share a lot of things about me
I can know a lot of things around you
You could do a lot of things to find me
You’re just great I’m feeling bruised
I’m just fine you’re feeling used
Cos I’m happy being sad
I’m happy being sad
I’m happy being sad over you
I could say a lot of things about you
You could say a lot of things about me
I can see a lot of things surround you
You could do a lot of things to find me
I’m just great you’re feeling bruised
You’re just fine I’m feeling used
You’re just great I’m feeling bruised
I’m just fine you’re feeling used
Cos I’m happy being sad
I’m happy being sad
I’m happy being sad over you
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