Forever music Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Forever music Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Forever music by Katie Dey

Forever music
I’d like to live without killing my heart
Never ending girls talk
Could i afford to even start?
A sterile light no you in sight
No one left for me call
But it’s girls night by world’s light
I let myself break my own fall

Over over over my limiter
Never let go of me
River river could you just swallow me whole?
Tremor just let me be

If you ever want my heart
All you have to do is ask
And when eventually I’m gone
You can listen to this song

Forever music forever music

Forever clueless
I like you so much more than you do
Forever useless
I’ll keep waiting for one of us to lose
And don’t worry i’m sorry
It’s too important to throw away
I’ll make a strong pose
And hold my breath as far as it goes

Over over over my limiter
Never let go of me
River river could you just swallow me whole?
Tremor just let me be

If you ever want me heart
All you have to is ask
And when eventually I’m gone
You can listen to this song

Forever music forever music
Forever music forever music

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