Callin Me Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Callin Me Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Callin Me by Momma

I’m not trying to make a scene
It’s not my fault, it’s the sound
Your voice, it kicks and it pounds
And now you see my dirty paws
Made my mind up like a dog and now you keep on callin’ me, callin’ me

Can’t connect it, just wanna be neglected
Leave me on the line, you do it every time
And I meant it, so baby just forget it
I’ll be up all night, if you’re callin’ me, callin’ me
Every second, I’m hanging on your message
Leave me on the line, but only on your dime
And I meant it, it’s something I expected
I’ll be up all night, if you’re callin’ me, callin’ me
I’ve been trying to cut you off
Oh, God I’m losing my head, another twenty-five cents
You reach me anytime you want
I’m right where you wanna be, so you keep on callin’ me, callin’ me
I’m right where you wanna be, so you keep on callin’ me, callin’ me
I’m right where you wanna be, so you keep on

Can’t connect it, just wanna be neglected
Leave me on the line, you do it every time
And I meant it, so baby just forget it
I’ll be up all night, if you’re callin’ me, callin’ me
Every second, I’m hanging on your message
Leave me on the line, but only on your dime
And I meant it, it’s something I expected
I’ll be up all night, if you’re callin’ me, callin’ me

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Now you’re callin’ me, callin’ me
Now you’re callin’ me, callin’ me
Now you’re callin’ me, callin’ me
Callin’ me, callin’ me
Now you’re callin’ me, callin’ me
Callin’ me, callin’ me
Now you’re callin’ me, callin’ me
Callin’ me, callin’ me
Now you’re callin’ me, callin’ me

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