Spider Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Spider Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Spider by Momma

Blessed by every little universe
In a web, he’s praying
Big plans, an orchard I could call my own
A bed, a roof, my savings

Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing

Caught up in the highest corner of the room
Spun out and staying
I’ll watch, pretending that they’re watching me
Got good technique in faking
Schooled in every little universe
Well-taught in waiting
No shine, heaven takes a lot of work
I’ve heard some people saying

Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing

They see what they wanna see
I stick to diabolatry, it’s my breed
Planting empty seeds
Everything is bad in me
They see what they wanna see
Everything is bad in me

Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing

They see what they wanna see (Like a spider catching nothing)
Everything is bad in me (Like a spider catching nothing)
They see what they wanna see (Like a spider catching nothing)
Everything is bad in me (Like a spider catching nothing)
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing
Like a spider catching nothing

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