Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Bhajan Lyrics in Hindi


Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Bhajan is one of the most popular Bhajan. This Krishna Bhajan is sung by Madhuraa Bhattacharya. And here we provide you the Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Bhajan’s Lyrics in Hindi. Check out the lyrics that are mentioned in the article. 

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Bhajan Details:

Bhajan Name Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram
Album Sublime Bhajans Vol-1
Singer Madhuraa Bhattacharya

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Bhajan Lyrics In Hindi:

अच्चुतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं,
राम नारायणं जानकी बल्लभम ।

कौन कहता हे भगवान आते नहीं,
तुम भक्त मीरा के जैसे बुलाते नहीं।

कौन कहता है भगवान खाते नहीं,
बेर शबरी के जैसे खिलाते नहीं।

कौन कहता है भगवान सोते नहीं,
माँ यशोदा के जैसे सुलाते नहीं।

कौन कहता है भगवान नाचते नहीं,
गोपियों की तरह तुम नचाते नहीं।

नाम जपते चलो काम करते चलो,
हर समय कृष्ण का ध्यान करते चलो।

याद आएगी उनको कभी ना कभी,
कृष्ण दर्शन तो देंगे कभी ना कभी।


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Here are the Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Bhajan lyrics in Hindi and details of the Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Bhajan and we also provide you a list of the platforms or applications where this track is available now. We hope you have enjoyed the songs lyrics mentioned above and there are lot of other song’s lyrics are available on our website with sufficient details. Do not forget to check it out.

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